2019 in Review

2019 is a tough year to classify. After our epic 2018, it was certainly a “normal’ year.

We started off 2019 in our RV in Florida for the 2nd year in a row. We left the RV down there in storage for another RV adventure later in 2019.

We got home and resumed our normal life of school, dance, and cold, cold, cold, snow. It was a long winter.

In March, Adelaide celebrated her 4th birthday by getting her ears pierced. She was beyond brave about it and loves having her ears pierced now that it’s over. Emerson turned 2. He didn’t really do anything as memorable, but still managed to have a ball. And we got to celebrate the wedding of two of our best friends. Congrats, again, Brittany and Larry!

In April, we held a joint birthday party for the kids. Got a new camera, the Canon M50. And finally got our basement drywalled.

May meant the final snow of the endless winter, our basement got tiled, a 10-mile run at Soldier Field, and the end of the school year.

June was time for our big RV adventure. We wanted and needed to experience a Florida summer. Plus, it’s super cheap to RV in Florida during the summer. We had a wonderful month exploring Florida’s west (best) coast; looking at various communities & housing developments and enjoying some much-needed warm weather after our endless winter.

July was lake house time. Big 4th of July and Country Thunder weeks. We painted our basement to continue the renovation. In early August, we re-did our deck railing.

Late August was the start of another school year. Karissa, Adelaide, and Emerson all are in school this year. We attended annual carnivals/festivals. September blurred by. October ended with a snowstorm (on Halloween).

November began with our second running of the Hot Chocolate 15K in Chicago. The weather turned miserably cold right away. And then we hosted Thanksgiving at our house to round out the month.

December meant celebrating Christmas with Karrisa’s mom’s side of the family. We hosted our 3rd Annual Christmas 5K.

Then Emerson and I headed for Florida with the RV ahead of our girls to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s down there for the 3rd consecutive year.

We crave the warm weather and sunshine after the endless winters up north. It should be no secret by now that we’re not sure how much longer Illinois will be our home. If anything, that pending decision to stay or leave is the theme of 2019. It hangs heavy over us. But once again, the New Year begins with us living in our RV in Florida and we couldn’t be happier.

2 thoughts on “2019 in Review”

    1. It’s not too hard! Having a journal/scrapbook/diary each week or so makes it easy to look back at our year and put together a summary. I think you can start a free website with WordPress and give it a shot!

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