Periods of time always seem to have a theme. This week’s theme was “Birthday Party.”
Our recovery from too much fun at a wedding weekend began with attending a birthday party for a 2-year old friend. About a year ago in Las Vegas, we met up with high school friends who were also living the RV life. They’ve been living in their RV in California but came home for the wedding. And while here, got to celebrate their oldest daughter’s 2nd birthday. It was themed “Taco Twos-day” and had taco pizza and cake. We had fun.
The next big part of the week was Adelaide starting a new school. She’s been attending preschool in the mornings twice a week since September. And she’s been in speech therapy through the local university for nearly two years. Our school district has a preschool program for kids that need speech therapy (and other help) to try to get a jump start on kindergarten and make everybody’s life a bit easier and the kids more successful. We attended a screening a month ago and, because of her speech therapy needs, Adelaide qualified for the program. We decided to keep her in her other school. So she’ll be attending afternoon preschool through the school district 5 days a week and continuing her morning preschool twice a week. She’s a busy little girl!
So I’m a big fan of Nike shoes. But also a fan of saving money. I bought a pair of shoes from Wal-Mart two years ago year for casual use. They were great for walking around and normal stuff. Not so good for running or athletic stuff, but not a dealbreaker. They have since become my yardwork shoes. I wore old running shoes that lost their support through the winter, but they’re now worn through in the pinkie toe area. So I needed new shoes and found some perfect casual shoes at Wal-Mart on clearance for $3.00! Tough to beat that kind of a deal.
We had our house fairly clean last week. But because of the wedding exhaustion and a bit of laziness, the house turned into tornado alley in just a few days. We chose to host a joint birthday party for Adelaide and Emerson at our house and had to get it back to being clean in time for guests. Also, we decided this was the occasion to finally get doors & drawers on our kitchen island. We homemade the kitchen island and had planned from the start to have sliding drawers for trash & recycling. The other side was to have just a door for storage. We’ve lived without finishing the darn thing for 4 years. So I finished the drawers & doors and then we tackled cleaning and decorating the house.
The day of the party finally came. The house was spotless. We had Lion Guard and Frozen decorations everywhere. Food. Drinks. The stage was set for a good time. And the kids were really excited to play with a bunch of friends. Thanks for everybody who came and shared their Saturday with us. And for the presents. We hope everybody had as much fun as we did…and the kids!
So it was another successful week. We attended a party. Started at a new school. We cleaned our house. Got some projects done. And hosted a fun party. If only every week was this successful.
One little note. We finally ordered a microphone for our camera. The in-body audio was usually fine. But less than adequate in certain situations, especially in crowds and filming events where crowd noise isn’t desired. So we bought a Rode VideoMicro and hope it upgrades our sound quality both indoors and in crowd situations.
Last thing! The parents of the bride got a new puppy. After our busy day hosting a joint birthday party, we headed over to their house to meet the little golden. Adelaide especially loved the thing. She woke up the next morning asking to go back over and play with the puppy some more. Emerson liked it too, but was more interested in playing with the dog cage and tennis balls. It’s a cute little dog that I’m sure we’ll be seeing regularly since Adelaide fell in love.