If you thought we’d get a chance to breathe after hosting Thanksgiving, you were dead wrong! Friday was the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, Saturday morning gymnastics showcase, Saturday day Adelaide’s class performed a song, then Adelaide performed a cheer routine – all wrapped into a town festival called “Winter Wonderland” with face painting, food trucks, bouncy houses, and all sorts of things to do and see.
Oh, not to mention Karissa and I went to an outdoor concert to see Everclear, one of Karissa’s favorite bands, and we bought a golf cart!
We’re hoping the golf cart takes up most of our trips around town. Taking the kids, mostly Emi, to school. Going to the grocery store. Food truck Friday. It’ll save on gas AND be way more fun.
Like everything we buy, we researched a ton and hunted for a long time before buying. The golf cart we chose is a 1999 Club Car DS 48V that we paid $4,200 for. It has new batteries, a rear seat, and an extended roof. It can go about 18mph. Club Car makes their carts out of aluminum whereas EZGO uses steel. Thus, Club Cars don’t rust. We chose 48V for the extra torque and speed potential. And a 4-seater instead of a 6-seater because of cost and to maintain the nimble-ness of a small vehicle. We’ll track costs and changes we make and be ready to share.
Next week could (hopefully) be a chance to do less and just relax. We definitely need some time to do nothing!
You forgot about our 5k!!! After a long Saturday, we both got up Sunday to run our second 5K