Waning Weeks of Summer

There aren’t too many weeks left of summer. Karissa goes back to work in a few weeks and Adelaide starts preschool in a month. Plus, the weather has become cooler. It’s starting to feel like the end of summer.

Karissa visited her cousins closer towards Chicago. Adelaide and Emerson loved seeing their cousins and meeting the newest member of the family. They even spent the night!

Around home, we finally agreed on a solution to a problem we’ve had for a number of years. Weeds in the front garden. We’re not the most dedicated of gardeners, so we tend to grow a lot of weeds. And they tend to get pretty huge and thick. One year, they got tall enough to touch the soffits. This particular area of the yard used to be grass, but mowing it was annoying…so we converted it into a garden. We are now putting down paving stones to make it a patio. It will reduce the area we have plants, make killing weeds that grow between the blocks fairly easy, and look a lot better. I hauled over 3,000 pounds of sand in one load and then brought another 1,500 pounds of pavers home. We’re going to need more of both! Of course, Emerson wanted to help.

Other than that, we’ve been having fun around home. Blocks, play-dough, pool, library.

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