Elliott Hayes

Introducing our new son, Elliott Hayes! He was born on April 2nd at 5:15pm weighing 8lbs 11oz and 21 inches long.

We’ve been calling him ‘Glitch’ since October – when Emerson thought it was a really cool name for baby. We’ve been thinking it’ll be his nickname – but told him for weeks that if he was born on April Fool’s Day that his legal name would be Glitch. At 12:10am on April 2nd, Karissa’s water broke – so he clearly didn’t want to be named ‘Glitch’ and waited until just after the deadline.

After a shower, we headed to the hospital. On the way, Karissa’s “Taco Bell Radar” went off – and she directed us to the nearest Taco Bell for a pre-admission meal. We got into the OB area. They tested to see if the fluid was actually from the bag of water – it was – and then got us into a birthing suite.

Lots of details being skipped – but at 5:15pm, little boy was born! We didn’t have a name for him right away. Elliott was the leading contender for months – but we never comitted. After about 24 hours, we felt bad that he didn’t have a name – so went with Elliott. It’s a great name – and makes it fun to call him “Little E” with his big brother, Emerson, being “Big E”.

We spent an extra night at the hospital before getting to go home.

Adelaide is in total love with him. Emerson loves him, of course, but in a different way.

We’re glad that Aunt Joi was able to extend her stay, be in the room for the birth of all of our babies, and get to spend some time with the little guy.

Welcome home, Elliott Hayes!

One thought on “Elliott Hayes”

  1. Welcome to the world, Elliott!! We love all of the precious pictures! Love Grandma Cathy and Papa

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