We’ve driven by a “u-pick” farm for nearly 18 months on our way to & from our little town. We’ve been promising the kids we’ll stop and pick strawberries for that entire time. But something always comes up – or we’re just lazy. Well, we finally gave up our excuses and made the stop. And, boy, was it worth it!
We started with picking a bucket of strawberries and then decided to ask where the blackberries are. On the way to the blackberries, we saw ducks, a pig, and goats. And the kids went wild. They could have spent all day talking to the goats. Adelaide felt like she had to care for each and every one while Emerson narrated their lives. It was special. And worth whatever the fruit was going to cost! (We spent $15 on strawberries, blackberries, and tomatoes.)
It was a great stop and something we’ll have to do more frequently – the produce is fresh and tasty and about the same cost as the store – but with the knowing where it came from and being able to pick it ourselves.
We spent the afternoon lounging in the pool and not doing much. It was a spectacular day! Adelaide’s need to care for things continued as she packed and dressed her baby dolls before swimming.
We celebrated May Day by attending the May Day Festival downtown. There were food trucks, a few games & activities, and a gaggle of people. The highlight of the trip was a game called “Ga Ga Ball”. Inside of an inflatable octagon, a bunch of players whack a ball with their hands and play a version of dodgeball. It was a quick, fun, inclusive game. Emerson won twice. It was a great day!
Karissa’s dad has been staying with us for about a week. Mimi had a doctor’s appointment during their stay and wound up staying in Naples to semi-quarantine as she felt a bit sick. She and Karissa are leaving us in a few days to help get their Wisconsin property ready for sale. We’ll be without Karissa for 10 days! How will we ever survive?
Other than the big events above, we’re just living life. We’re continuing to attend Food Truck Fridays. Working on Adelaide’s secret room. Going to Spanish class. I played golf with a neighbor. Mommy & Daughter matching shoes…and more!