Slate, the beloved male of our brother & sister duo of littermates, died today at 11 years old.
Ryan’s Tribute:
We found you sleeping under the bed at TAILS, hiding from your wild & crazy siblings, and knew you’d be the dog for us – along with your sister. To keep you from crying your first night, I let you sleep on my pillow. From then on, every night you would fall asleep with me – sharing my pillow. You were a smart, loyal, and friendly dog. I’ll always remember Slate for sleeping next to me every night. His deep breath right before falling asleep was my sign to fall asleep too. Slate spent his final year with my parents. We could only have 2 dogs in the RV while our house was under construction, and Slate was a perfect fit for them. He cuddled with my mom and got scraps of food from my dad. They loved having him in their lives. And we appreciate the care and love they gave to him.Slate and his sister, Ruby, will always be remembered together. They were littermates who never got separated. They loved and hated each other in the way that only siblings can. On walks, they would push right against each other and walk side-by-side. Ruby lives on, walking alone.Dear Slate, I’ll always remember you for sleeping next to me for 10 years. I’ve missed you for the last year apart and every time I look at Ruby, I think of you.
Karissa’s Tribute:
Oh Slater-later! We are going to miss you! Our plan was to get you to Florida with us once we moved in, but we knew retirement would best be served with Grandma Cathy and Papa. So that plan was scratched once we realized they were a better fit for you at this time. They spoiled you until the very end. The beginning: I remember coming home and telling Ryan we needed to get this puppy from Tails that I just had played with at the pet store. The next morning we went there and she was gone. So we checked out the other puppies. I was dead set on getting a girl. So we checked out Ruby. She was so sweet, she came on my lap, fell asleep and never moved. So we went back to check the other puppies out and when we lifted up the cot, there you were- sleeping under the cot. All the other puppies were white, you were black. So we grabbed you to see your personality. If I am being completely honest, we fell in love with you more, but you were a boy and your sweet sister wouldn’t leave my lap. We couldn’t decide, so we ended up with the both of you!This crazy emotional decision was a wonderful one, filled with may years of joy and love. Having two of you was the best thing ever because you always had a playmate and friend. You were the perfect dog (except sneaking food off the tables and counters). Your sweet love and your cuddles were the best. You loved to sleep with Ryan more than anyone, and you adored Ada. You weren’t a fan of Emi or Runty because of your old age and their young energy, but you tolerated them and still loved them.You loved to walk shoulder to shoulder, side by side your sister. You never let your sister get the ball, and she was okay with it. She just wanted to bark at you anyways. You two were the best of pals, but didn’t mind being separated. We are very blessed to have had you in our lives. You lived in Naperville with us where we brought you home. You were part of our Save-the-Date. You moved to DeKalb with us and lived through some crazy renovations. You enjoyed summers at Indian Mounds and Massasoit. You welcomed home 2 babies. Enjoyed Lickity during the summers and winters and loved your pal Fry. Heck, you even traveled to 22 states with us! Slater- we couldn’t have asked for anything more from you. We love you and will always be in our hearts. Thank you Cathy and Loren for loving him like your own and giving him a wonderful last year! He loved you both and was very blessed to you with you guys in the end.