With Adelaide going to school, we’ve been visiting Babcock Ranch every day. We’ve begun to meet our new neighbors. Adelaide is slowly making friends in class. She started basketball on Saturday mornings. And we attended our first “Food Truck Friday” downtown – a town-wide celebration each week where kids run free and parents enjoy some food truck food.
The worst part about life right now is having to drive 20+ minutes each way to get there. It’s close enough to do it, but not close enough to truly feel like part of the community. We get more excited each week and each event to be a 5 minute bike ride away from everything.
Food Truck Friday was really a neat event! There were kids running around, playing without much parental supervision. It was really neat to experience. Parents lounged in the grass and enjoyed the festival-like atmosphere and celebrated the end of another work week. We had some amazing “Cauli-Flavor Explosion” sliders and enjoyed truffle fries from Horse Eyed Jake’s food truck. We hope to share this event with visitors once our house is built!
The house is now on pause due to delays in getting trusses. We visit most days anyhow hoping to be surprised. Windows and appliances are also known to be delayed and we hope they don’t slow our progress.
We’ve been grilling fresh veggies every night and just doing our best to enjoy this chapter of life. We tried some vegan Ben & Jerry’s – which was great! Emerson also got to make a friend for about a week – and enjoyed having a boy his age to play with.
We’ll be coming up north for the summer in the middle of June, if nothing major changes from here. I’m dreading it, in all honesty, and would rather stay here and watch the house progress. But the kids and Karissa are excited to see some familiar faces and places. Especially Grandma Cathy & Grandpa Loren!