We’ve been going to Thanksgiving at Karissa’s cousins’ house for as long as we’ve been celebrating it together. Heck, Karissa has never celebrated Thanksgiving in her hometown – the town where she was born and raised and still lives! When her aunt and uncle moved away to Hawaii, hosting Thanksgiving was passed to their son’s family. They hosted for at least 5 years. But change is inevitable. We talked about hosting Thanksgiving year ago, but our house wasn’t ready for that many overnight guests. This year, it was – so we hosted.
Our kids were beyond excited to spend a few days with their cousins (and Grandparents and Aunts & Uncles). As always, everybody had a great time and it was a “successful” Thanksgiving.
Karissa and I ran a 5K at the local park. We ran there to warm up and both did pretty well in terms of finishing time for the actual race.
A small group went shopping on Black Friday. Adelaide loved it. She bought a few small items. I went out and bought 2 new furnace filters for 50% off. Yay, deals!
Not many pictures, but lots of fun. We have another week with Mimi and Papa from Florida – capped off by their side of the family’s Christmas celebration in Wisconsin – before a week or so of normal life. Then Christmas break and adventure!