Halloween 2019 was also the first snow of winter 2019/2020. And not just a dusting. We got a full-fledged real snowfall. Like 6-9 inches of snow that actually stuck on the ground! It’s been so cold that the usual first snow melting right away didn’t happen. We had to shovel and salt the sidewalks and driveway to ensure a safe trick-or-treating experience.
The day started with the costume parade at Adelaide’s preschool. She was a unicorn…or a girl riding a unicorn. Lots of cool costumes this year.
As we were walking out the door to start our trick-or-treating, we happened upon a group of the neighborhood kids. We joined them for a brief trick-or-treating session around the block before coming home to make a Halloween snowman and warming up.
So it was a memorable Halloween because of the snow. The temperature dropped quickly as the sun went down, but we had fun.
November 1st was our annual “Tree Day“. There’s a Ginkgo tree in our back yard that loses all of its leaves in one day. The first few years we didn’t really notice, just figured we hadn’t paid attention as the leaves fell throughout the week. But we’ve since witnessed firsthand “tree day”. The leaves literally fall continuously throughout the day. There’s a sound as the stems break from their branches and a slight crunching as they hit the ground. It’s a pretty remarkable day.