Way back in 2017, we’d just gotten back into exercising. Karissa chose running while I chose cycling. We decided to sign up for the Hot Chocolate 15K in Chicago that fall. Running 9.3 miles was extremely daunting at the time. Karissa and her friend couldn’t run more than a few houses in distance at first. I couldn’t run much more than a quarter mile despite the fitness that should have come from cycling. Finishing the 15K that year without walking was a huge accomplishment for us.
This year, we’ve now got a few years of semi-consistent exercise as a base and finishing a 9.3 mile race without walking wasn’t too much of a fear. But setting a PR is a real goal. We recruited a few more friends to do it this year.
We spent the night in a hotel downtown to be able to have an extra hour or so of sleep before the 7am start.
We were all happy with our efforts that day. We all managed to hit our various goals for the race – be it not walking or finishing time-related. It was fun and we got a bowl of well-deserved chocolatey treats afterwards!
Our one friend had to leave early, so I tried to photoshop him into the group post-race picture…what do you think?