Biloxi, Mississippi

We spent the last few days in Biloxi, Mississippi, after an overnight stop way down yonder in Chattahoochee, Florida. We basically picked a largish dot on the map that was on the Gulf of Mexico and a convenient driving-time to/from our other stops. Knowing nothing about the place made it feel like an adventure.

Biloxi has been a playground for southern folks for over a hundred years. It’s now home to beaches and a huge number of casinos. It used to be the capital of France in North America. It was the retirement home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and home to his Presidential Library. Also, it has the longest/largest man-made beach on Earth – spanning 26 miles! By the way, it’s pronounced Bill-LUX-see, not Bill-LOX-see.

We ate some good seafood; discovering local favorites in addition to more touristy places. We did an impromptu crawfish boil two nights in a row after finding one of the neatest seafood stores, Desporte & Sons. The clientele spanned all economic brackets and job titles. It’s been around for 120+ years! It reminds us of our local butcher shop back home, just with seafood instead of meats.

All-in-all, it was neat to visit a place we’d likely never visit under normal circumstances like having to get on a plane or even a regular road trip. And to say we’ve been in Mississippi will be fun.

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