Wow. Time has flown since the last update. It got to the point where I put off doing any updates because the task is so dauntingly huge. Rather than break down the last few months into separate posts, consider this a bulk update recapping from when school got out in June until Thanksgiving in November. The pictures might be out of order – top is most recent. I’ll probably forget a few things that happened. But between a busy summer, the start of school, work, and having a little baby…we’re starting to feel up to the task.
We wrapped up the school year with Adelaide’s dance recital, both of their birthday parties, and a drive up to Illinois for the summer. We celebrated my Dad’s 70th birthday before opening up the Wisconsin lake house. Then, off to Maine for our Florida neighbors’ wedding. Back in the Midwest, we split time between Illinois and Wisconsin for a few weeks. Lots of fun times! Back to Florida for the August 1st start of school.
School has been mostly good. Karissa, baby, and I have taken 2 trips back to Illinois so far. First in August for a high school friend’s wedding. Then in September for a 5K. The kids have a 2 week fall break. We spent the first in Disney World and the 2nd in Illinois for Pumpkin Fest and fall activities. Trick-or-treating for the 3rd year in Florida. And now Thanksgiving break.
Baby is already 7+ months old and is increasingly becoming fun. He’s already been to 8 states and flown 8 segments. He loves eating!
Adelaide and Emerson are good. Adelaide continues to enjoy dance. Emerson loves soccer. Both are doing well in school.
Nothing else major. Life is good.