Like all babies, Elliott lost some weight after birth. He lost a bit more than expected and didn’t quite gain it back as quickly as expected. This meant a bit of a stressful few weeks jamming him full of food to get him to gain weight.
He also didn’t poop enough – the crux of the issue is that his bilirubin levels were going up a bit too much. Weight gain and pooping get rid of bilirubin – and he was losing weight and not pooping.
There was never a “scary” time – but it was on our minds as we pushed food. Every poop was a celebration. We introduced the bottle to him to measure how much he was eating – and that added more stress due to his slow eating.
In the end – at his 3-week weight check – he got above his birth weight and was cleared of concern. He’s a healthy little dude who is growing and eating and doing just fine. Thanks goodness!

Amidst these weight checks – we’ve been busy! We had newborn baby photos taken by a professional photographer. We enjoyed a Food Truck Friday. Took Elliott on his first stroller walk. Celebrated Easter. And have continued to adjust to new normal life with 3 kids and going back to work. It’s been good!

This photo was too funny not to share given the outrage over Bud Light and continued inaction on gun control. One political party in the USA continues to have lost touch with what being ‘Christian’ actually means. Hating others isn’t part of it. Guns aren’t part of it. And kids getting shot in schools is definitely not something to be ignored.