After a whirlwind, extended trip to Europe and Illinois, getting to have a “normal” week or so was clearly out of the question. Haha! We had some great friends plan a visit to see us – and we don’t turn down visitors as a rule!
I got home late on Sunday night – didn’t see the kids – but kept them home for an hour or so to spend the morning with them. They were SO excited to have me home! I gave them a few trinkets from Europe and they told me, at the same time, about what they did while I was away. Adelaide watched “Avatar” and saw the newest movie in theaters with Mommy while Emerson played basketball in the lanai.
They had a “Fun Run” fundraiser the next day at school. The kids raised money for the school – and the amount could vary depending on how many laps or minutes they ran. At least in theory – but most donations were fixed and the time was set to 30 minutes. Adelaide walked with her friend the whole time and Emerson chased a girl in his class. It was pretty cute.

Our guests arrived that night. Adelaide was beyond excited to play with their little boys and practice for her own little brother. We felt bad that we couldn’t spend days with them – the kids and Karissa had school and I was just away for a few weeks – but I think that worked out for the best. It gave them their days to do whatever they wanted and the evenings were an exciting time for the kids and us adults to chat.

We even got to watch the Super Bowl with them! It was our second year watching from the hot tub – and their first. Our outdoor TV died a few months ago so we brought our worst indoor TV to serve the purpose. It had an issue getting the channels programmed, so we had to use our smallest TV. It wasn’t ideal, but given we were just a few feet away it was fine. We went inside at halftime to finish the rest of the game because it was a chilly and windy night!
A perk of being our visitor is getting to attend parties or events. This time, it was a baby shower, technically a “sprinkle”, thrown by our neighbor Fiona and dear friend Liz. It looked like a fun day for the ladies and girls and we got a bunch of helpful baby stuff!

Not to be outdone, the kids had their 100th day of school AND “student-lead conferences” during the week. The idea is that the kids can tell you about what they’re working on and what they’re finding interesting and challenging at school. Adelaide was so proud to show us her work. And Emerson set an “academic goal” for himself to “drink more water at recess.”

It looks like we’ll have our quiet, normal week soon. Maybe. But all is good and the kids are doing great in school!
Many thanks to our visitors! We loved having you! And we’re excited to host the next round of visitors in a few weeks! Spring break is a wonderful time for northern folks to experience some warm weather.