Halloween 2022 kicked off with a golf cart parade. There were rumored to have been 113 golf carts this year! The kids got enough candy to feed an orchestra. After the parade, there was “trunk-or-treating” in the town square followed by a movie outdoors. It was a perfect night for the event.

Trick-or-treating is an epic event here. Fun for all ages – with treat for adults as much as kids. Karissa’s parents joined us and partook in having syringes full of alcohol-infused jello while the kids gathered MORE candy. It was a fun Halloween!

Later this week, Grandma Cathy is visiting us! We’re all excited to have visitors from the North.
It was a fabulous Halloween celebration. We had a wonderful time with the Foelskes. We covered a lot of territory Treat or Treating with Addie and Emerson (thank goodness for the golf cart) The decorations were incredible and of course the kids and families costumes were awesome. It was a sea of costumed creatures and a friendly and welcoming community. Many fond memories!!