Not sure how it happened – but it’s already a week after Labor Day! A mix of “a lot” and “a little” has happened for us. Adelaide lost her first real tooth and 2nd overall. The tooth fairy visited her and gave her a few gold coins. The school year continues. Work is generally good but nonremarkable. Things are just “normal”, at the moment.
The kids spent Labor Day weekend with their grandparents in Naples. It was planned to be just one overnight but turned into two because they were all having too much fun. Karissa and I bought some art for Adelaide’s room and rearranged & cleaned Emerson’s room. The kids were glad and excited to see the changes.

We attended the kids’ first baseball game on Friday night! There was a school fundraiser. The game experience captured a lot of what going to a live baseball game can be – a rain delay, waiting in line for junk food, a rally, a homerun, a shutout, a win by the home team and fireworks to send us home. It was something we’ll have to try again – perhaps without the rain delay!

September is shaping up to be a “normal” month. We’re looking forward to continued relaxation and family activities.

That’s for the Foelskes Family update. Loved it!! Your comments and pics are adorable!