It’s February in Florida and apparently that means outdoor soccer season! Adelaide has never played soccer but has been exposed to leagues and camps in basketball. Emerson hasn’t yet gotten to participate in a real sport and couldn’t be more ready!
The soccer program is perfect for a variety of reasons, first and foremost that it’s in town. But it has a fun, inclusive practice each week and a 3-on-3 game on Saturday mornings. The practice allows kids to have fun with their friends on other teams. It’s run like a skills camp – so very individual. Then the games being 3-on-3 means a lot of action and fun.
Beyond soccer, Karissa and I got to have a date night before volleyball. We ate at an Iranian/Turkish place called “Kabob Village”. It was amazing!
We’re enjoying the great weather this time of year. Lots of outdoor activities and open windows. Spanish class for the kids is outside. Cooking interesting vegan foods like lasagna and shepherd’s pie. And watching our neighborhood continue to move towards completion!