It’s been relatively cold here in SW Florida for a surprisingly long amount of time! We’ve experienced our share of “cold” days in Florida. But usually it seems to last just 2-3 days and return to a more comfortable normal. This time is different with over a week of colder weather – meaning high temperatures below 70 and lows in the low 40s. Good thing we kept some coats!
We’ve been continuing to make the house a bit more decorated and “our own”, little by little. A few more cabinets in the office. The start of a dog room under the stairs. It’s taking a long time to figure out how to turn a plain new build house into something that reflects our style, but we’ll get there.
Our golf cart needed new tires when we bought it. That was okay because we planned to give it bigger tires anyhow. And bigger tires require a lift kit. So went went all-out and put on a 6″ lift kit and the largest road tires they make – 23″! It took me an entire weekend of battle against the thing, but we’re now looking like a monster truck. We were worried it wouldn’t fit in the garage (too tall) but it has 4-6″ of clearance. It’s not running quite as fast as we’d hoped, but there are a few adjustments to make. Perhaps even buy a suped up motor, if needed. We want to be able to drive 20-25mph not 15-20mph. TBD. But it looks really cool!
Other than all of this, we’re enjoying life. Lots of birthday parties, lounging around, and eating pretty decent food. Not much to report – just normal life. Adelaide had her 100th day of school, we played in a pickleball tournament, bought a guitar.
The only other big news was watching the Super Bowl from the hot tub. I’ve been dreaming about watching the Super Bowl from the pool or hot tub since our big RV trip in 2018. Most public pools don’t have tvs – so achieving this dream basically meant doing it from our own pool/hot tub. I set up our outdoor TV right next to the hot tub and sat there for the entire game! It was awesome. Emerson watched the 1st half with me. Karissa watched halftime and the 3rd quarter. Matthew Stafford deserved the win. It was great! A dream come true.
The Super Bowl is a special day in our relationship. In many ways, it’s why we’re together. After attending homecoming together, we didn’t talk for a few months. I asked Karissa what she was doing for the Super Bowl in 2005. She had no plans – so I invited her to join me at my friend Nick’s house. She decided to come. We watched the first half and halftime show before leaving to go back to my house. We played some Mario Kart and flirted. Then spent the next 9+ weekends together before officially becoming a couple on March 11th, 2005. Thus, this was our 17th Super Bowl together and a very unique one that fulfilled a dream.