Happy 6th birthday to our sweet daughter, Adelaide! We still remember the first time we saw you and held you. It’s hard to believe you’re already 6!
This year has been unique, to say the least. But you’ve managed to navigate it with your typical bravery, grace, and style. You definitely find the bright side of life and find ways to have fun.
Your preschool career ended without notice. Your kindergarten year started online before we pulled you and started homeschooling. We’re moving to a new place and living in a 300 square foot RV, but you’re our brave adventurer and taking it all in stride.
You continue to learn new things and grow every single day. You’re the best big sister. And you bring a smile to everybody.
We couldn’t be more proud of you.
Happy 6th birthday, Adelaide!
Happy 6th birthday, Adelaide!! You definitely are my sunshine!!