Happy Thanksgiving 2020! We have a lot to be thankful for, even though 2020 has been a very strange and difficult year. We’ve been really busy working around the house – trying to finish up the last of our home renovation projects while balancing kids e-learning and everything else on our plates. But don’t worry – our story will continue to be shared here!
This was our 1st Thanksgiving without eating turkey – since we converted to a plant-based/vegan diet almost 9 months ago!
We had 12 different items to place on our plates. And despite what you might think – we definitely captured the flavor profile and essence of a typical Thanksgiving meal.
We’ve also decided to start another online venture – a plant-based cooking channel on YouTube – Plant Feast. Subscribe here: SUBSCRIBE TO PLANT FEAST!
We’ve had our RoseRelish YouTube channel – which has mostly gone dormant since we’ve been home and stopped adventuring. Making videos for that channel remains on the backburner for now.
I’ve been making running vlog videos on my personal YouTube account all summer – just search my name to find it.
But this is something that is more mainstream and could potentially capture a large audience. I quite enjoy cooking – and making videos – so making cooking videos is a natural fit. Even if you don’t eat plant-based yourself, many of the recipes and meals that will be shared on the new PLANT FEAST channel will undoubtedly suit anybody.
So we’re going to give this a try. Throw another log on the fire to see what happens – and try to keep building up a patchwork of incomes.
We hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. We wish everybody continued health and happiness.