Compared to even our “normal” lives, quarantine life is slow. It seems like the weather has been less than ideal. We had a burst of sunny, warm-ish days that ended with cold, windy, and dark days for a week or two. Hopefully, we’re going to have weather in the 70s (or more) and sunshine from here on out? Is this really how “spring” in Illinois is all of the time?
After laying down 5 yards of mulch, I was hooking up the hose to spray off the driveway. I saw something move. It was a baby bunny. I called everybody over. They realized it was a nest of baby bunnies – 6 in total!
The bunnies are now gone and hopefully safe. The kids loved seeing them and watching for them for the few days from when we discovered them to when they left.
Adelaide and I made a nice breakfast for Karissa on Mother’s Day. Adelaide chose the items to feed her and helped put it all on plates. Happy Mother’s Day!
While Emerson and Mommy took a nap on Mother’s Day, Adelaide and I took a 10 mile bike ride around town. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed seeing our town in the spring sunshine.
Our back yard, one of the public golf courses, has reopened. The rules are modified a little bit – no carts, no groups of more than 2, and no removing the flag. The course has never been so steadily busy, which is wonderful.
After laying down our 5 yards of mulch, we’ve been on a roll with outdoor projects. Mowing the lawn more regularly than ever. And trimmed our evergreen tree of its dying branches. I had to get up on a tall ladder and use a chainsaw from the neighbor, but we got it cleaned up. The town got rid of our landscape dump a few years ago when they switched garbage providers, so we have to bundle our brush into pretty stacks with pink ribbons around it for the new garbage men to pick up. It was a lot of work!
It’s been a wet spring. The river that runs through town has rarely been higher. The golf course on the other side of town has flooded a few times already and ours flooded with the recent rain. The largest city park is flooded. Many of the bike paths along the river are underwater. It’s something else!
We’ve otherwise been doing our best to enjoy the warmer days. Grilling food. Riding bikes. It’s made the kids tired earlier. But it’s been pretty fun.
Adelaide and I went geocaching one day. We found two before the sun started to set and the temperature dropped like a rock.
We’ll end, as usual, with a gallery of the delicious food we’ve been eating.
We hope you’re having as much fun as we are despite the scary public health backdrop out there.
As the country begins to open up, we’re watching closely for a new spike in cases and deaths. The example set by the White House in their coronavirus outbreak should be implemented across the country – frequent testing of everybody, quarantine infected and those that had contact, and masks. But the plan is not to do that broadly. Do as I say, not as I do is the message – loud and clear – from the White House. What a sad state of affairs.