February in Northern Illinois is famous for its never ending grey skies. “Sunny” days are a bit brighter than the rest, but the sky remains a uniform, cloudless grey no matter what. Winter is sort of fun as a change of pace for 4-6 weeks. But by February, we’re over it.
So we’re just trying our best to get through the month. It’s been a rough one for a whole host of reasons.
Adelaide started another season of basketball at the local YMCA. She’s on the Rockets this season. She’s a great defender and improving at getting the ball up to the rim during practice. Karissa is enjoying the season much more from the bleachers and not as the coach.
Our new diet – whole foods, plant-based – is going great! I continue to feel amazing. The kids are buying in and haven’t complained. Emerson flexes after every bite. Adelaide is even extending her new diet to exclude some snacks at school. Learning to cook in a different way has been a fun adventure. Any form of tacos or burritos and falafel tend to be our favorite, recurring things to eat.
It might sound simple, but this little snack is AMAZING! Take a whole wheat tortilla. Spread peanut butter. Then jelly. Throw on a whole, peeled banana. Roll it up and enjoy! It’s epic, easy, cheap, and amazing!
We’ve not eaten out a few times without much issue. A Mexican place in town has veggie fajitas that are easy to make vegan. Another place has a black bean burger. Potbelly has a veggie sandwich with hummus. Chipotle is simple. And even Olive Garden isn’t too tough to do vegan. And we tried the Impossible Whopper. It was pretty meat-like. Adelaide loved it, but she’s a burger-head. It hits the spot if you crave fast food, but I wasn’t a huge fan. We haven’t really been craving meat. It’s shocking!
Other than that, we’re just chugging along trying to survive the month. It’s been rough for a host of reasons. But we’ll get through it. And hopefully, the sunshine and higher temperatures aren’t far away. We need it.
A beautiful family! Love you guys! . Love grandma Cathy