We’ve had a couple false starts to spring this year. But after this one last snowstorm, it has to be over. We didn’t make a snowman during the other snowy days. It was either too cold or not pack-snow. This last snow was on a warm-ish day and the snow was extremely packable. So we geared up and made a snowman. The snow was gone by the end of the day but the snowman lived for another few days. Emerson didn’t like it. Adelaide had more fun decorating than building.
Other than the snow, it doesn’t feel like we did much. Which is why we haven’t created a new post since April 28th. Thank goodness for pictures to remind us what we did!
The scene every morning lately has looked like this: me sleeping with one of the kids while Karissa takes off for work.
We attended a send-off event for cousin Connor. He’s a competitive superstar cheerleader. His team made it to nationals in Florida, so his gym held an event to send the teams off with a bang. Aunt Joi and the other parents did a routine to end the event. The kids loved it!
We attended a wedding for one of Karissa’s coworkers. It was at a Greek Orthodox church. The ceremony was completely different from anything we’ve ever experienced. The priest(s) spoke quickly with chanting and repeating and echoes. The bride and groom didn’t say a word. There were a lot of different elements to it. And the church itself was brightly colored with paintings of the saints everywhere. It was definitely an experience! The reception was fun as well. Congratulations to the newlyweds.
The kids spent that day and night with cousins and Aunt Danielle and Uncle Jim. We spent the night there after the wedding too. The kids had a ball playing with each other. And we were glad to get to see their new house 6 months after they moved in.
Packing for the sleepover. Poor Kara!
Other than that, we’ve been enjoying the start of new spring. Adelaide ended her experience with another speech therapy student. Emerson has become obsessed with the moon. And the construction on the roads and water infrastructure in our neighborhood continues. Here’s to hoping true spring is here.
As an update to our basement renovation, with the drywall completed we’re now moving on to flooring. We hired a tiler who is starting this week and has 1,200+ square feet to lay. He expects it to take about a week. We’re nearing the finish line!