Some great friends got married over the weekend. But first, we had a fairly busy week of our own. It was Karissa’s spring break. Karissa’s mom came from Florida to attend the wedding and see the kids. We had annual doctor’s appointments for the kids. And even got some gardening/landscaping done outside. Whew.
Like I said, the capstone to our week was the wedding of two of our best friends. Definitely our best couple friends. Karissa’s best friend since childhood was the bride and we’ve been playing volleyball with them for a few years now as a couple. The groom is the reason I got back into cycling after he told me about Strava and let me join him on my first few rides back. We couldn’t be happier for them.
Karissa was honored to be a bridesmaid and Adelaide got to be a flower girl. Thus, we got to attend the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding. The rehearsal went flawlessly and the dinner was a lot of fun.
Karissa was slotted first for makeup, so Adelaide and I got to have a breakfast date at the hotel. Soon after, it was time for the girls to all get pretty – Adelaide included – so I enjoyed a relaxing taco lunch and afternoon of basketball in the hotel.
The wedding and banquet were both flawless. Adelaide got timid and barely made it down the aisle. The proud father-of-the-bride didn’t lose it walking his beautiful daughter down the aisle. The couple decided to write their own vows – and they were pretty great. I told the groom that they rhymed; or were different verses to the same song. It struck me as amazing how similarly structured the two sets of vows were. Karissa and I are very opposite. Yin and yang. These two are more alike. I’m sure it’s obvious from the pictures, but it was a really fun time.
The party didn’t end when the banquet hall closed. We loaded 7-8 people into a Ford Escape and shut down a bar near the hotel.
As we stumbled to our rooms for the night, we took a joke picture using the secret hand symbol of “Flat Earthers”. There’s a Netflix documentary about people who think the Earth is flat and our biggest takeaway was this particular hand gesture. The Earth is obviously not flat.
Waking up the next morning wasn’t very fun. But it was absolutely worth it. Celebrating the marriage of some wonderful people and great friends along with many of their (and our) other friends and families made for one of the most fun weekends we’ve had in a long time.
Nothing but the best of wishes to the newlyweds. Thanks for letting us do our best to celebrate the marriage!
Great writing and pictures!!! Ryan, I love this site .
Thanks! We’re glad you enjoy it. We always try to keep things interesting. Let us know if there’s anything we can change or add – like tutorials, home renovation, or any other topic. Always open to suggestions.