Happy 2nd birthday to our monster boy. You’re stubborn, hilarious, loving, joyous, brilliant, and stubborn. We couldn’t imagine our family without you.
We spent the day eating donuts, opening a few gifts, and saying goodbye to all of the airplanes while we rode our Strider Bike. And we had visits from Grandma Cathy, Grandpa Loren, Aunt Boi, Aidan, and Connor.
You still love wheels. Steering wheels, car wheels, stroller wheels. You sing to yourself while you play. And when you get caught, you clam up. But can’t be silent for long…you need to get the song out! You loving playing with trains and cars on tracks. In the last month, you’ve gotten obsessed with basketball. You have a decent shot but enjoy watching others shoot. Mommy is your favorite basketball playmate. You are wonderful.
Mommy, Daddy, and Adelaide love you!