Is the winter of 2018/2019 finally over? We’d love if this was our last week of it!
We wish we had more exciting things to share, but life in Northern Illinois during the winter just isn’t exciting. Mostly trying to avoid going outside (and therefore doing anything). We’re definitely missing life on the road lately. Even Adelaide was crying the other day saying she wants to go back in the RV.
We’ve been having fun with our new guinea pig, Brownie. He’s really good for Adelaide. She talks to him in ways she doesn’t even attempt in other environments. It’s great. He’s a sweetheart too. He makes noises for her. And seems to enjoy her – much more than anybody else. Slate, our male dog, is still extremely interested in Brownie. Like he might eat him if we weren’t watching. But so far, so good. And Ruby, our female dog, continues to have no indication that Brownie exists. He’s crawled all over her and she completely ignored him. It was pretty cool.
Emerson and Adelaide have been bonding a lot lately. And playing together better than ever. It’s wonderful to see, as parents. He plays along with her bossiness because she lets him drive his toy cars through the Barbie houses. Reciprocity, right?
Poor Emerson has had bowel issues for a long time. Before he was drinking cow’s milk, certain formula brands made him constipated. Recently, he’s had a few bouts of constipation again. This week was a rough one. He barely had any bowel movements for three days. We tried stool softeners and suppositories. No luck. But on Friday, the plug got released and he let out the relief he needed. We feel so bad for the little guy and don’t know what to do. More liquids, fruits, and fiber – less dairy and bananas. At least he’s better again.
For about the last decade, I’ve organized my t-shirts by color – using the rainbow as a guide. It highlighted that I used to have too many blue and red shirts. And makes finding specific shirts very easy. It’s life-changing! You should definitely try it!
That’s really it. Another boring week. But hopefully, the last of winter 2018/2019. Temperatures are forecasted to be over 50 in the middle of next week, so we’ll see what we can do to take advantage of it.
This winter has really highlighted our hatred for cold weather. Skipping winter last year in the RV opened up the reality that winter isn’t given. We choose to live through it for various reasons – family, friends, familiarity, jobs, etc. And we don’t know if the various reasons are still worth the misery. We doubt it will lead to anything, but our wanderlust and distaste for winter are both growing.
We hope your week was more eventful than ours!