In the blink of an eye, our beautiful daughter Adelaide, is 4 years old. We still vividly remember her birth story.
Happy birthday, Adelaide.
You’re so brave! You wanted your ears pierced and knew it was going to hurt. We tried to talk you out of it. But you wanted it ever since you were 2, so we finally gave in…and it hurt more than you imagined when the first hole was punched….and yet you didn’t flinch, just cried and continued. Your bravery comes up all the time. At playgrounds, in the pool, at the doctor. You are amazing.
You’re also the most loving person we know. You’ve always loved your baby dolls. And your family. And your dogs. You’ve been such a wonderful big sister too.
You are a girly girl. You love putting on dresses, wearing makeup, and taking are of your babies. Barbie? Of course you love Barbie! It’s a girl thing. You’ve known for a long time that “girls” wear earrings. So that’s why you wanted some. We’re also very thankful that you’re unafraid of getting dirty and show some flashes of superb athleticism.
You’re wicked smart. We knew it early on when you were doing 10+ puzzles at a time. But you continue to impress us. We took you to a local preschool screening and in 5 minutes they could tell you were “well above target” in cognitive skills.
Speech remains your weakness. You’ve gotten leaps and bounds better at it since last year, but are still in weekly speech therapy. We can’t wait for your ability to speak words to match your vocabulary and brains.
So Happy Birthday, Adelaide. We couldn’t imagine the last 4 years without you.
Sweetest little girl ever. Wonderful write up of little Ada on here 4th bday
She’s pretty awesome. We’d be lost without her.
Great pictures!! She is a special girl.
She most definitely is!