It was possibly the coldest week ever. At least it was the coldest single day ever on Wednesday. With windchill, our thermometer said it was -55 degrees at the “peak”. The actual temperature was about -25 at the time. All of this in Fahrenheit, of course. Snow caused school to be cancelled before the cold decided to get it’s share of cancellations on the books. Suffice it to say, there was no school this week.
Before we get into how we spent the week of cold, Karissa and Adelaide attended a Bridal Shower on Sunday. Adelaide is going to be Flower Girl and Karissa is a Bridesmaid. Adelaide loved getting dressed up for the party and helping the Bride with gifts.
Then, snow hit us. Hard. I think the lower temperatures made the snow less dense…because we got a good amount of snow. More than forecasted for sure.
So to make the most of being trapped inside together, we continued to try to get our home renovation completed. We made it a goal to finish 1 room each month in 2019 and the master bathroom was first on the list. All it needed to get finished was for the door to be painted, a few pieces of trim put up around the shower, and a good cleaning. We chose it because it was nearly done from the get-go.
Working his part-time job.
We also started February’s room’s – the two kids rooms. They both need their closet doors and and entry doors painted. Emerson’s room needs a few pieces of trim in addition to the doors being painted. But that’s it for their rooms.
Other than that, the kids played and got dirty eating junk food and took lots of showers and baths to stay extra warm. Our furnaces did a great job keeping us warm. Luckily we’ve got two furnaces that were brand new in late 2016…and they’re slightly large for their load. So they don’t struggle much to keep us warm.
At speech therapy, Adelaide said she’d never had strawberry ice cream. So because she tried so hard, Mommy treated her to some strawberry ice cream. She loved it.
After a week of being mostly cooped up, the kids and Mommy took lunch date before heading to Aunt Joi’s house for the night. I’ll be working hard on the basement renovation while they’re gone.
This weekend, we’re going to see temperatures in the 40s. With as much snow on the ground as there is, we think there will definitely be flooding issues. And icy roads as the temperatures drop back below freezing.