Christmas with Parents

After having Christmas with Karissa’s family last week, we needed to have a Christmas celebration with my parents and brother. Rather than the traditional duck and twice-baked potatoes, my mom made corned-beef and cabbage. She’s planning to do duck when we get back from our Florida Christmas adventure.

But first, Adelaide went Flower Girl Dress shopping with the bride-to-be and mommy. They seemed to have a fun time. Adelaide loves dresses and is beyond excited to be in a wedding.

Adelaide also had an appointment with an ENT. She has been in speech therapy for quite some time. It almost derailed our RV trip. Anyhow, her preschool teacher mentioned that a child a few years ago spoke similarly and needed tubes put in, which corrected the speech issue – the kid wasn’t hearing what we hear, and was speaking the way it sounded. So we took her to an ENT to see if hearing was her problem. He said she looks healthy, but ordered an advanced hearing test to be done later.

So that was our week. We wrapped it up with a Friday celebration at my parents house. The corned-beef was awesome. Karissa and I got a GoPro Hero 7 camera. We’ve been testing YouTube and video creation, so getting a solid starting camera was a must. We’re excited to create some great videos! Adelaide got a Barbie Dream House from Grandma and Grandpa, after getting the Barbie Dream Condo last week. She has both houses set up next to each other and loves playing with them for hours at a time. Emerson got a John Deere lego truck and a barnyard play set. It was a great celebration with much too generous gifts that we’ll all definitely use.

So that was our week. We’ve got far too much planned before taking off for Florida, but that’s how we roll, especially around the Holidays.

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