It was a busy week of firsts. First time at a trampoline park. First volleyball tournament victory. Capped off with Adelaide’s first dance recital. And the 2nd Annual Christmas 5K.
The week started with a birthday party for cousin Ella at the trampoline park. Mommy and Adelaide went and had a ball. Especially Adelaide, obviously.
Next up, was the volleyball tournament win. We’ve been playing in this particular league at the local YMCA for 4 years. In that time, we’ve gone from a ~.500 team to a pretty dominant force. One year, we were regular season champs but lost in the second round of the tournament. This year, we weren’t going to let that happen. We won the regular season again and managed to win the tournament too. It felt great!

My dad stayed with the kids during the 4 hour tournament. This is what we came home to.

On to the true capstone of the week – Adelaide’s first dance recital! She’s been going to a 30 minute dance class every Thursday. She loves dancing, but hasn’t been part of anything formal until now. Anyhow, she got all dolled up and performed great. Aunt Foi, cousins Aidan and Connor, Granma Cathy, and Granpa Loren joined me, mom, and Emerson to watch the event. Emerson LOVED it. After every performance, he’d call out for more. We didn’t get any photos of her actual performance because we were taking video.
To end the week, we hosted the 2nd Annual Christmas 5K at our house. We had 5 runners last year and 7 this year. I lost my title. Karissa and the girls ran theirs in under 30 minutes, which was their goal. It was a really fun event that we’ll be hosting for some time into the future.
So that was our busy week. This is how we felt at various points during it. Oh, and there’s Adelaide posing with all of the presents she’s gotten so far….and Santa hasn’t visited us yet!